2013년 10월 20일 일요일

✔ Research Progress and Results (2nd year)

 Research Progress and Results (2nd year)

(1) Academic Research Achievements and Articles
All four members of this research team have done previous research and have written papers on the subject. Apart from the above participants, additional one prominent scholar (Prof. Radica Nikodinovska) from Macedonia who has interest in Korean Studies are also writing and presenting their articles in the conference. They have achieved significant results in researches. An outline of the previous research done by all the participants is in the above table.

(2) International Conference on Korean Studies
On June 05-06, 2012, a two-day international conference was held at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea. Scholars in the area of Korean studies from Macedonia, Bulgaria and Korea participated. They presented papers on the strategies for the establishing and development of Macedonian studies in Korea and shared their opinions in discussions. Many Korean experts and students attended in this conference.

(3) Preparing Specialists and Exchange of Human Resources
An exchange was conducted with the purpose of preparing a next generation of scholars and cultivating specialists in the area of Korean Studies.[1] In this year also, Macedonian and Korean students go to Korea and Macedonia for studying languages and cultures. Two Macedonian students (one per semester) went to Hankuk University of Foreign Studies for studying Korean language and culture. They also participated to the different cultural events and made acquainted with Korean students and culture. Two Korean students went to International Seminar for Macedonian language and culture in Ohrid.

(4) Round table for Promoting Macedonian and Korean Studies
Visits to Korea by Macedonian experts, giving lectures and participating in academic events were held. The participants in the currents research team Prof. Kim Won-hoi on June 5th 2012, organized the round table for promoting Macedonian and Korean studies in the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. In this round table participated Dean of the faculty of Eastern Europe, Prof. Kim, Sunghwan and discussed the way to develop the Macedonian and Korean studies in the each university.

(5) Cultural Activity
On July 01, 2012, around the time of the International Seminar for Macedonian language and culture, events characteristic for what would be a Korea Culture Week, were organized. There were various initiatives, such as lectures on Korean culture, history and Korean film festivals as well as different experiences of Macedonian culture.

(6) Macedonian Experts in Korea and Cultural Field Research
Cultural field research of Macedonian experts in Korea was held during June 04. – 10. 2012. Macedonian experts first presented articles in the conference. After then, they went to many places in Korea as the cultural field research. By this field research, they got and acquainted with the Korean culture and began to understand the similarity and diversity between Macedonian and Korean culture. This will be useful, because they will teach Korean language and culture more realistic and practically. And they will try to establish the Korean language department as soon as possible.

[1] Thanks to the AKS project, MOU in the field of education was signed between Macedonian university and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in 2011. On the basis of this MOU, the students of two countries can learn each country’s language and culture.

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