2013년 10월 20일 일요일

✔ Participant List

Participant List

Research Role and Responsibilities
Research Assistant
Leader of the Research Project
Prof. Maksim Karanfilovski
n  General superintendence, management and adjustment of the research
n  In charge of the promotion of the research and the international cooperation
n  Budget management for optimal use of the resources
n  Inquiry and analysis of the materials about Korean in Macedonia and research on setting up a strategy for intercultural communication
n  Organizing, launching and promoting a national conference during the first year of the research
1 person
Macedonian Scholar
Co-researcher  Prof. Kim Jae Uk
n  Instruction of Macedonian students in Korea
n  Developing a method for teaching Korean language to Macedonians
n  Developing textbooks of Korean studies for Macedonians
n  Organizing academic exchange between the Center for Korean Language and Culture and the National University of Macedonia
1 person
Korean Scholar
Co-researcher  Prof. Kim Won-hoi
n  Overall superintendence of the research in Korea
n  Preparing, launching and promoting a conference in Korea
n  Research on setting up a strategy for intercultural communication between Macedonia and Korea
1 person
Korean Scholar
Dr. Spas Rangelov
n  Managing the curriculum of Korean language in the University of Macedonia and lecturing
n  Developing effective method of teaching Korean to Macedonian students
n  Managing the assistant researchers (three Macedonian students)
n  Co-development of a textbook of Korean Studies for Macedonians
2 people
Macedonian Scholar

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