Korean Communicative Teaching Methods to Macedonian, Using Supplementary Multimedia Materials
Kim Jae Wook(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
1. Multimedia Environment and Supplementary materials
2. The effect of two aspects using 'Supplementary multimedia materials'
3. The Types and Examples of 'Supplementary multimedia materials‘
4. Guideline to develop 'Supplementary multimedia materials'
1. Multimedia Environment and Supplementary Material
Multimedia material is generally defined as web teaching material.
Several merits of web teaching material are as follows: It is possible to fulfill learner-directed education using multimedia as a self-access learning tool; it eases the burden on the learner; it is possible to study beyond the traditional classroom limits space and time. However, web materials are mainly focused on listening and speaking, so it is hard to study speaking and writing. Also, it is hard to interact between learner and teacher, as well as between learner and learner.
Furthermore, it is difficult for beginning level learners to find the learning contents in the material and study by themselves. It is true that learning processes and effects are different when comparing the web environment and the classroom environment, but the learning contents are not very different. However, it is too much for beginning level learners to choose the learning contents by themselves on the web. Therefore, the learning contents should be controlled for beginning level language learners.
In the classroom environment, the teacher has to take the role of controlling the environment and providing the learning contents.
In the case of using multimedia material in the classroom, there are five types of relationships between the material, the teacher, and the learner.

- Type A has a teacher, but the learner can do one-to-one individualized learning with the computer, and it is similar to web teaching material.
- As for Types B and C, computers are used to conduct cooperative learning and interactive learning activities.
- Type D is similar to type C, except the computer is used to induce competition and cooperation between groups of learners.
- Type E is similar to traditional classroom teaching in which learners do activities all together.
The Pros and Cons by type
As for the type A to type D, when compared with type D, the learner can formulate and explore the learning contexts frequently, and the teacher takes the role of manager, adviser or helper, according to the learning contexts. As for type E, the teacher just delivers the fixed learning contents like in traditional class teaching, and the computer is used only for helping the teacher.
Type A : Since beginning language learning needs to be controlled properly, it is hard to use Type A. In type A, the learner takes the lead in formulating and exploring the learning contexts, but beginning learners do not know what to formulate for learning. Even if learners could formulate the learning contexts by through the teacher's aid, it would disrupt the next lesson because the learners might not be able to process the learning contexts.
Type E : Also, it is conducted in traditional class teaching in actual Korean education. The methodology for the process of introduction-presentation-explanation can be different from teacher to teacher; however, most teachers use a 'lecture method' which delivers the subject matter through the teacher's explanation. Therefore, Type 3 is the most realistic type to use multimedia in the class situation in the Korean context. Thus, multimedia material like a type E needs to be constructed, considering a real class situation. It is possible to sort out the various teaching materials, and to adjust it to class teaching; however, it increases the burden on the teacher and the quality of teaching materials cannot be assumed.
Therefore, we must determine what is the most suitable and proper teaching material, and to try to make teaching material with unity. Also, it is necessary to build up multimedia data system, according to the educational objectives and field.
2. The effectiveness of using 'Multimedia supplementary materials from two perspectives
2.1. The expected effectiveness from the teacher's perspective
The utility of multimedia supplementary system from the teacher's side
1. The standardization of teaching activities
Even though teachers teach the same content and use the same materials, it is possible to effect quality and quantity of the teaching activities by teaching differently, according to each teacher's difference of knowledge. However, if they could teach with standardized teaching media, then it could reduce the individual difference of quantity and quality of class teaching, and it could thus be standardized.
2. The improvement in utility of the teaching-learning process
Media can stimulate various sense organs more than teacher-centered lectures or explanations, and present varied forms of information faster than a teacher's explanation. Therefore, it reduces the time required to reach the teaching-learning objectives and it can increase the efficiency of learning.

[Figure 2] In K-TAS, this material shows how to take notes with drill paper.
[Figure 3] This material explains the directions of a game, after learning the subject marker '-이/가.‘ It is more effective to direct practice and activities using visual aids than solely through the teacher's explanation. Also it helps to conduct practice and activity according to the original intention.
3. The improvement of teaching-learning effectiveness
If the learning contents could be presented properly through teaching media, then it would be effective to help to increase the retained learning contents, as well as recall.

With [Figure 4, 5], when it explains ‘이/그/저,' it shows the changing of view point clearly with distance between speaker and listener, so that it encourages an accurate understanding of the concept of demonstrative pronouns.
4. Teacher can play more positive role in the teaching-learning process
To make the best use of materials for class, the best information among scattered data needs to be selected, sorted out, saved, and extracted. However, if a teacher or teachers carry out this work, then it results in a big loss of time and efficiency. Therefore, if there are already selected materials and they can be used in class, then teachers can better prepare for class and feel less pressure about class.
Also, since the teacher is able to deliver learning contents simply and clearly, it can reduce the time required for unnecessary explanation and create spare time for personal guidance. For example, essential vocabulary cards for a beginning level can be standardized, which leads to a reduction in the time and effort required for the teacher to make the cards, and the teacher can present clear materials and reduce time for unnecessary explanation.
[Figure 6~9] are vocabulary cards such as 'object,' 'job,' DV(Descriptive Verb), and AV(Action Verb)

Images can be used diversely as multimedia supplementary materials. It helps to overcome the language barrier in beginning levels, and provide verb stems easily, so it has significant meaning to build up image data for Korean education.
5. Building multimedia supplement material system is a chance to research teaching material to teachers, and increase their confidence

Building supplementary multimedia material can reduce the burden of class for inexperienced new teachers, and make them confident about teaching contents. Also, through the process of editing and supplementation, many teachers can share new ideas about the class, and have a chance to develop the class.
2.2. The expected effectiveness from the learner's perspective
The effectiveness of multimedia materials from the learner's perspective.
1. Making learners interested in studying.
Through various types of materials, it is possible to motivate learners and make them more attentive in class. It is effective for learners to increase participation in class. In practice, learners who experienced classes using multimedia responded positively, using words such as 'fun,' 'wonderful,' and 'exciting.' They want to continue to use multimedia in learning foreign languages (Reciet Khan, 1997; Laurillard, 1995; Lee, 1999, 2000a; Norris et al. 1990; Perzylo, 1993, Yoo Bum et all, 2005).
2. Raising learners' expectations for the next lesson.
3. Delivering learning contents in a stimulating way, using various audio-visual materials.
In particular, beginning learners are not able to understand the situation of target language, therefore, a real language situation needs to be suggested. Using various multimedia materials helps learners to broaden their understanding of the language situation.

[Figure 10~13] Scenes showing conversation models
These visual media ensured that Korean learners had conversations based on real-life situations, which makes it possible for learners to have real communication. Through these, they are exposed to daily Korean life naturally, so that learners can be aware of both language and culture.
Like [Figure 2] or [Figure 3], it is more effective to learners to understand the way of practice or activity, through showing gestures and pictures.
4. It is possible to overcome language disorders or limitations.
It is common to use Korean only in class in the most Korean education institutions, because the classroom environment consists of multinational students. Also, it helps to adjust to the target language quickly, and through this, it helps to strengthen study. However, as for beginning learners, using only the target language causes learners an increased burden, and less motivation to study.
3. The Types and Examples of 'Multimedia supplementary materials‘
Soo Jung Kim(2001) divided multimedia materials into 6 types, as follows: Images(photos), graphics (pictures), sound, video, animation, and modules
1) Images usually mean photos, and materials, such as nationality, personal data, seasons, transportation, travel, bank, and advertising.
2) Graphics are illustrations, and other visual materials.
3) Sound means voice and music materials.
4) Video can give material a more realistic effect, and can include downloaded advertising, dramas, or news from the web. Sometimes, it can be filmed and edited directly.
5) Animation includes from a simple flash animation to a complicated technique like 3D animation.
6) Modules are of great importance in interaction of learners, and it is possible that learners can write texts by themselves or drag an image material to reconstruct materials initiative.(***??***)
These 6 types of multimedia materials can be divided into 4 as follows; images (photos and graphics), sound, videos, and animation as teaching methods.

There is no 'module' in the above figure. 'Modules' are a multimedia mechanism and are very useful materials, but they are designed for self-directed learning; therefore, they are not suitable for multimedia supplementary materials.
Examples of utilizing media in stages of class, <review-introduction-present/explanation-practice-activity, the body of a text>
1. The purpose of the ‘Review’ step is to review previous lessons, and to prepare to contents to learn. In this step, a teacher can use image materials, such as photos and pictures to deliver clear contents with 4 principles (dividing known things and unknown things, reaching to mastery learning, understanding the main contents of the previous lesson, checking understanding) in a brief time.
[Figure 15] is a review material, it is used after learners learn about 'time.'

2. As for the ‘Introduction-present’ step, available media are images, text, and videos.
[Figure 16] The mouth shape of single vowels in Korean.
[Figure 17], it is introduction material of 'N에 얼마,‘ using a real advertisement.
[Figure 18] It is a material for presenting how to conjugate a verb stem as per consonant or vowel ending. It can reduce the amount of writing a teacher does on the board, allowing the teacher to observe learners, or save time to prepare the next step in class.

3. In the ‘practice’ step, a teacher can use images, sounds for listening and practicing; changing conjugated forms, looking at the picture and speaking objective structure, listening to a sound and guessing what it is.
[Figure 19] Checking conjugate ending practice with power point.
[Figure 20] Listening to animal sounds and guessing what they are.

[Figure 20], it is a sound material, the main element of constructing multimedia materials alongside images. Sounds can be divided into sound effects, which add reality to the image; voice, which is needed for teaching and learning; and music, as a supplementary material.
4. As for the ‘Activity’ step, materials to use before the activity are as follows: Materials to vitalize schema; materials to show how to do an activity; materials to show examples for an activity. They help learners to proceed with the activity more smoothly.
Images, audio, and videos can be used in this step. In particular, in the activity step, video has a great effect because it is possible to make a situation similar to reality. In video, it is much like reality because real people come out and act. Considering the effect, it is more effective to use it in the activity step, or in the 'example' of an assignment.
5. As for learning the body of a textbook, basically sound is used.
Besides the sound material, illustrations from a textbook can be used as an introduction, or flash animation of main characters of a textbook, or video.

In the review step, teachers can mainly use images or text. In the introduction-present step, teachers can use images, sounds, and text. In the practice step, teacher can utilize images, sounds, text, and videos. In the activity step, teaching tools can be produced, using almost every type of material, such as videos, images, sounds, animation, and text. As for the body of a textbook, images, sounds, animation, and text can all be used effectively.
According to the above process, it can be assumed that the use of multimedia becomes iversified as the class proceeds.
4. Guidelines for developing 'multimedia supplementary materials'
1. It is essential that Korean education specialists actively join in the development of supplementary multimedia materials, from planning to making materials.
Korean language teachers need to understand the contents of Korean language education, as well as media. Without this understanding, they cannot consider how to present teaching contents with multimedia effectively.
2. Multimedia is only a teaching assistant; it cannot surpass the teacher
That is, multimedia is not allowed to interrupt the teacher's teaching. Even if materials are various and visual, they are not more important than the teacher's role in the class. Therefore, we need to have a professional view to judge the materials as to whether they may be a hindrance or not.
3. Developing supplementary multimedia materials is not possible through one individual teacher's effort.
To develop the materials, the best quality of materials are needed, and they must be standardized. To use the materials effectively, it is necessary to have a long-term plan with a macroscopic view of management of the education system.
4. Developing supplementary multimedia materials includes building a teaching material DB(Data Base)

In the last step of development, it should possible to save lots of materials in one space, and to search easily and use what teachers need.
It is teachers' duty to use the DB with high quality materials. It requires that teachers experienced about multimedia teaching material prepare guidelines for other teachers; and continuous training and training materials should be provided to make teachers edit and restructure DB when needed.
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