2013년 10월 20일 일요일

✔ Remarkable Achievement of the project

Remarkable Achievement of the project

* Outstanding Research results
Because of Macedonia’s geopolitical significance, the relations with Korea have been intensifying and the establishment of a foundation for the development of Korean studies is an important element of them. The present study constitutes the first example of cooperation in research of scholars from Macedonia and Korea and it can trigger further interest in the Macedonian academics towards Korea and bring active research in the future. As a result of this project, 12 academic articles are presented and published. Among them, 9 articles are written by research director and co-researchers. 3 articles are prepared by Macedonian outstanding experts on Korean studies. You can find these articles and books in the attached files.

* Promoting Status of Korean Language to 2nd Foreign Language Module
When the current research was initiated in December 2010, Korean studies (the lectures in Korean language) were rated third module(3외국어) among the foreign languages. As the research was conducted, thanks to the activities and the support of the research team, Korean studies and Korean language’s rating was raised to second foreign module(2외국어). Accordingly, in the new curriculum the number of classes was increased and in 2011-2012 more students, in comparison with the previous year, studied Korean. The following document is the official order of the University for Korean language as the second foreign module.
<Official document for promoting Korean to 2nd foreign language module>
* Contribution to the Human Resource Exchange between the two countries
Macedonian and Korean students go to Korea and Macedonia for studying languages and cultures. Two Macedonian students (one per semester) went to Hankuk University of Foreign Studies for studying Korean language and culture. They also participated in the different cultural events and made acquainted with Korean students and culture. Two Korean students went to International Seminar for Macedonian language and culture in Ohrid. The students who have been acquainted with Macedonian culture(through reading literature, viewing films, listening to music, visiting exhibitions, organized events, meeting with Macedonian artists, poets, writers, professors and others, as well as stays in the country) spread information about it and popularize it in the whole society. This is the way to disseminate truths and knowledge about a culture that is more spontaneous and much for successful than the traditional way through official mass media or through official channels of the diplomatic and other missions to foreign countries. The greater the number of students studying a given language and getting acquainted with the culture of the native speakers of that language, the greater the number of those who fail in love with the culture of that people and the people itself.
<MOU signing and Prof. Kim, wonhoi with the president of Macedonian university>
<Macedonian students in Korea>

* Foundation for Establishing Korean Language Department
The foundation of educational and research centre of Korean studies in Macedonia can become the most important bases for the future advance of Korea to Macedonia or the advance of Macedonia to Korea for the future mutual communication between the two countries. That is why, if the strategy for intercultural communication between Macedonia and Korea, obtained through this research, is used, the effective exchange and the development of the relations between the two countries can be maximized.
Thanks to this project, now Macedonian university is on the way to establish “Korean Language Department”. The following e-mail letter is the evidence for it. But, because of a lack of additional funds and support, this process now makes no progress and temporary gets difficulty. The Macedonian university needs more supports from AKS for accomplishing this progress and establishing Korean Language Department.
The following pictures are panoramic views of the Chinese Language Centre, located in the National library, Skopje, Macedonia. Because of geopolitical importance and needs, China already set the Chinese department in Macedonian university. It shows us the way for the future seeding and promoting methods of Korean studies in Macedonia.

<Chinese Language and Culture Centre in the 1st floor of Macedonian National Library>

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